I joined an amateur astronomers association named SCAAA (Samanta Chandra Sekhar Amateur Astronomers' Association) . SCAAA was formed on 17 July 1993 by a resolution adopted in a meeting of a group of zealous members from Institute of Physics, Department of Physics, Utkal University and Pathani Samanta Planetarium. The meeting was held at the Department of Physics, Utkal University. The Association was given the present name in a subsequent meeting held at Pathani Samanta Planetarium on 28 August 1993. The Association got registered under the Societies Registration Act in June, 1994.The registration number is 5907-125 of 1994/1995.

   SCAAA has strived hard to spread the excitements of astronomy in the state. It holds regular monthly meetings on Sunday , following the second Saturday each month , where educative items of astronomy, astrophysics and space science are discussed . The Association has organized two Telescope making workshops in Pathani Samanta Planetarium , in which students from various parts of the state have participated.The 5th AIAAM (All India Amateur Astronomers' Meet) is one of the major events in the life of SCAAA held in the year of 1995.
Prof. L. Satapathy, President, SCAAA� - Chairman
   SCAAA celebrated its 16th Annual Day Function on 8th February, 2009 under the Chairmanship of Prof. L. Satapathy, President, SCAAA in the auditorium of Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar. Two eminent scientists Prof. M.K.Pal, Ex Director, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata and Prof. Y.P.Viyogi, Director, Institute of Physics attended the function as Chief Guest and Chief Speaker respectively.

     During the year 2009 the Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar have sanctioned an amount of Rs.3,00,000.00 in favor of SCAAA to acquire equipments like telescopes, binoculars, LCD Projector, Laptop, overhead projector, digital camera, public address system, UPS etc. In the mean time SCAAA has acquired such equipments for its outreach programs in remote villages of the state of Odisha. After well equipped with sophisticated telescopes, LCD Projector etc., the members of SCAAA are now regularly visiting different places in the state and organizing night sky watching programs through telescopes and popular lectures on astronomy.  

Observation of partial solar eclipse in KISS
using specially made goggles

Observation of partial solar eclipse in KISS campus projected through telescope

Series of lectures on solar eclipse by SCAAA members

a student watching moon


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